Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Real Househusband of St Louis

Thanks to the wonderful power of technology, I was able to work from home today and not brave the snowy roads. The highlight of my day were the homemade rolls my husband made. My husband has a job where he works from home so he is here a lot more than I am. He jokes that while I am off to the office or on a business trip, he is taking care of the home and being a stay at home dog dad. He is not the only one of his kind, he has a group of friends that also stay home and I hear of more and more men being the ones that are at home. He has dubbed himself as a Real Househusband of St Louis and is forming the cast for the next big reality show. (Watch out Real Housewives!) Between him and his friends, there are several seasons worth of material.

The Real Househusband is an amazing cook. While I have to follow a recipe exactly, he can take whatever we have in the kitchen and make something fabulous. Sunday he took a cooking class on how to prepare different cuts of meat. They made mini burgers with homemade buns which is where he got this new roll recipe from. Now while I have made major advances in the kitchen, I cannot get dough to rise to save my life. I will not consider myself a real woman until I have successfully defeated dough. You can imagine how ticked off I was when The Real Househusband tried it for the first time and made the most beautiful and tasty rolls pictured below. Until next time, I will continue my quest to make bread and enjoy the fruits of The Real Househusband of St Louis' labor.

1 comment:

  1. The rolls look great! Freshly baked bread is the best smell in the world!
