Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Tea

I thought I would share some pictures from some past parties. One event I get to be a part of every year and always looks forward to is the Christmas Tea at Ramsey Creek Baptist Church. Ramsey Creek is a small country church in Clarksville, MO and is the church I was raised in and my family still attends. Being a very small church, I know everyone there and every time I go back to visit I feel like I am home. There are some amazing cooks at this church. I have yet to attend a carry in dinner that rivals what the women at Ramsey Creek can put together.

For the past 15 years, Ramsey Creek has put on a Christmas Tea. There are usually about 25 tables and a hostess for each one. Each hostess decorates their table with their best dishes and invites guests to fill up each of the eight places at the table. Each guest is greeted with a table present, tea, and wonderful food prepared by a kitchen committee. This year we had lemon blueberry bread, chicken salad croissants, fruit, and fudge. Each year there is a speaker and a musician for entertainment. It is always the perfect occasion to get into the Christmas spirit! Below are some pictures from this past tea. Each table is so different and it is neat to see the different personalities represented in each table.

My table this year was purple and silver. I had found these fabulous mirror trees at the after Christmas sale at Target one year.
The table present I had for the ladies at my table was homemade caramels and peppermint fudge. I must take a moment to brag about my homemade chocolate covered caramels. There are amazing, but also very time consuming which is why they only come out once a year.

My mom decorated the table below with inspiration from a Pottery Barn table.

As previously mentioned, the woman can do amazing things with a napkin.
One of my favorite table's was Julie Lockard's. She is in charge of the decorations for the tea each year. For her table she had taken pieces of wood, covered them in olive oil and used them to serve off of. How clever is that? She had also made candles out of wood for the table presents.

I was lucky enough to have a table full of people I love. Paul's mom, grandma, aunts, my sister in law, and my brother's girlfriend were at my table. I know it is something they enjoy coming to every year and I equally enjoy preparing the table for them! 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!! I saw some of these pictures on someone's Facebook page. Tell your Aunt Molly that I would love to come next year, too. Stay warm in this snow. I am REALLY ready to go SOUTH!!
