Best. Party. Ever. But before I proceed, let me give a little background on the mustache obsession as I am sure that many of you who read this blog are wondering what the deal is. Last Cinco de Mayo, plans were made with my coworkers to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at Los Cabos Mexican restaurant. As the day drew near, I went to a party store to find some party favors for the event. For whatever reason, call it fate, I picked up fiesta mustaches. We had dinner, a few margaritas, and then put the mustaches on. Tears were flowing down faces and a frenzy of photos began. You never get bored of taking different shots with mustaches on. We declared it an epic evening and so began our obsession with mustaches. They also accompanied us to the wineries that weekend but on sticks as it was a more formal affair.

As Cinco 2011 drew near, we knew that mustaches would be involved and that we would have to hold the 2nd annual event at Los Cabos. We wanted to step it up a notch so we decided to make an official Cinco de Mustache 2011 logo. Much like they do for Oktoberfest, we decided we would have a different logo each year. Maggie (or as she was referred to for the day, Margarita) designed this year's logo. It was on the invitation as well as the official 2011 Cinco de Mustache t-shirt.
The second addition for 2011 were mini sombreros. Best $3.00 I have ever spent. The night consisted of eating dinner, drinking margs, and taking a million pictures in mustaches. Can't wait for Cinco de Mustache 2012!
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