We have an awesome design department at work which is where the invitation below came from. Both Josh and Megan have very curly hair so a sketch of a curly haired baby was a must.
Although you usually can expect to have a shower thrown for you when you are getting married or having a baby, we make the date a surprise. We were able to pull off the surprise and Josh was very surprised when he walked into the room full of people and presents.
Using owls as decorations, the party evolved into a woodland theme. I took letters for the baby's name and painted them green and put them on sticks. We then took a log and drilled holes into it to put the sticks into.
Next, I made owls and flowers out of felt and hung them from branches in a vase. Halfway through the this project I was wondering what the heck I had gotten myself into since I am an amateur sewer at best. After making a couple that looked like bats, I had some that turned out very cute.
When I put together the table for a party, typically I stand back survey the cuteness and may or may not jump up and down and clap. A lot of clapping occurred when we put out the cakes and cupcakes for this party. I borrowed some wood candles and platters from a friend who had made them. For the platters they had cut up pieces of wood and coated it in olive oil to make it food safe. The owl cakes looked great on the pieces of wood.
It was great to see the generosity and love that was poured out to Josh and Megan during the shower. Most of us spent the afternoon on sugar highs but it was definitely another successful work shower!
I am in my hometown for Easter this weekend and helping my mom roll silverware for a pancake breakfast at church in the morning. Happy Easter Everyone!